Our Mission

Alliance Capital Group is a MULTIFAMILY real estate investment firm dedicated to acquire value-add apartment buildings with the purpose of providing long term wealth for our investors and provide high-quality and affordable housing for our residents. 

reasons to invest in apartment buildings

  • Passive Income: The key word here is "passive" meaning that it generates "mailbox money" without the investor's active involvement.

  • Equity: Increased equity comes from residents paying down the mortgage and therefore increasing the investor's equity.

  • Appreciation: Apartment Buildings appreciate in value with time increasing the investor's equity but most importantly appreciation can be forced by adding value to the property.

  • Depreciation: Apartment Buildings enjoy great IRS tax benefits. Depreciation is a "paper loss" that IRS allows to be deducted from your active income just because you own real estate.

  • Leverage: Real Estate is the only income-producing business where you can purchase a 1 Million Dollar Asset by using only $200,000 as down payment. How can that even be possible?? This is called “leverage”.